Waiting time
As soon as you contact us, an intake is possible within 4 weeks.
After a mutually agreed treatment plan, the treatment can start within 8-10 weeks.
From 1 February 2019 an intake is possible within 1 week and the treatment can start within 2 weeks. This, because of the decision to conduct full-time practice.
In the first interview you will be asked for a referral from your general practitioner. It is important that this should be a reference to the specialized, second-line mental health care, if you want to be reimbursed for your treatment. You will then be asked to submit a driving license or passport for identification.
As a health care insurer’s requirement, you must answer a first psychological questionnaire for this first interview, which will be sent to you by e-mail. This is to determine at the end of the treatment if you have benefited from your treatment.
After the intake and an anamnestic examination, a treatment plan will be proposed in consultation with you. After both you and I have reached agreement on this, treatment can begin.
The treatment will be evaluated with you for meaningfulness and effectiveness at different times. If there is insufficient effectiveness, we will discuss with you which open alternatives are present.
Unless you object, I will report to your referring general practitioner during your treatment.
As a requirement of my professional association and the health insurance company, you should discuss your satisfaction with your treatment at any time during the treatment with me and record it in a questionnaire you will complete and which will be forwarded to a central registration system.